Our guide of do’s and dont’s to ensure you have a successful performance this Saturday night…

Like it or loathe it, Valentines Day is fast approaching & and whether you’re on a tinder date; blind date or in a relationship, you want to perform. And when we say perform we literally mean “perform”! So, how do you give yourself that ‘edge’?

We all know that your hormones (particularly testosterone) play a huge part in your sex drive; boosting your testosterone levels will increase your libido, yes – even for you ladies!

So, here’s how to boost those hormone levels:

– Include good quality fats in your diet. Fats are king when eating for hormone health. Get them from fresh fish and meats, nuts, seeds, avocados, eggs, olive oil (raw), coconut oil, butter.

– Sleep! Numerous studies have proven that a lack of sleep will lower your testosterone levels. Get an early night Thursday and Friday ahead of Saturday.

– Weight training. Lifting weights raises both testosterone and growth hormone levels. Be sure not to over train though as excess stress on the body will ultimately lower testosterone levels. Avoid too much cardio as this will put a huge stress on your body ahead of the big day!

– Vitamin D. Vit D is essential when it comes to testosterone levels and unfortunately, as a nation we lack adequate amounts due to a lack of exposure to sunlight. It’s therefore extremely important to try and boost the vit D through your diet: great sources are oily fish, egg yolks and beef liver. It is also advisable to supplement with a good quality Vit D.

– Other supplements that will help raise testosterone levels naturally are zinc, magnesium & Vitamin B6 and we would recommend supplementing with these daily. Just ensure you always use a high quality brand, we use Solgar, since cheaper products can lack purity.

– Reduce your sugar intake and stick to low GI carbohydrates since testosterone is temporarily lowered when your blood sugar levels spike.

As well as giving you that peak performance on Feb 14th, managing your hormones correctly will have a profound impact on your body composition: helping you become leaner, stronger and faster!

Here’s to a very happy valentines day! 😉